ED9 Features Training Invitation

INCONTROL Simulation Software offers extended edition

Due to the COVID-19 academic institutions are preparing prolongation of absences and/or campus closures. This license will be an extended version of the standard Free of Charge Enterprise Dynamics® Student Starter Edition but now allowing building larger models up to 100 simulation objects of site! The special edition license is 120 days valid.


ED9 Features Training Invitation

INCONTROL is happy to announce the release of Enterprise Dynamics® 10.3! With the latest version of Enterprise Dynamics® we have solved issues, improved usability and introduced new functionalities, all based on customers and business partners feedback.


ED9 Features Training Invitation

Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences have been using Enterprise Dynamics for the past years to support their logistic and industrial engineering classes.

A dedicated group of teacher now uses Enterprise Dynamics Virtual Reality (VR Factory) visualization features to introduce the software to their second year students.


ED9 Features Training Invitation

To introduce the new features of the latest simulation software release Enterprise Dynamics 9, INCONTROL offers a free ED9 Features Training.

Register now for the NEW date in September!


INCONTROL offers a special and very extensive single-seat license of Enterprise Dynamics 9 for students; ED9 Student Pro.



INCONTROL proudly announces the release of Enterprise Dynamics 9, the simulation tool for the simulation of material flow, logistics and transport processes.

LACINCONTROL's Italian partner LAC is official sponsor of the XVIII Summer School "Francesco Turco", in Senigallia (Italy) and will be held from 11 - 13 September 2013. INCONTROL is proud to say that LAC will participate and show the educational possibilities of Enterprise Dynamics. 

LLL_goedThe Logistics Living Lab (LLL) at Leipzig University is the first of its kind in Germany and provides practical representation of complex supply chains. INCONTROL is proud that the team counts with its innovative projects on Enterprise Dynamics.

hva_pdmodel3dFour students of the Amsterdam University of applied sciences used INCONTROL's Pedestrian Dynamics to simulate the evacuation of the school building. It was one of the assignments during their minor Modeling & Simulating. Pedestrian Dynamics is the crowd simulator of INCONTROL. All noncommercial education and research institutes can purchase an Educational license and benefit from special discounted prices. It is the first time INCONTROL's crowd simulation software Pedestrian Dynamics is used on the Amsterdam University and with success!

BauhausUniWeimarWebWe are delighted to announce the cooperation between INCONTROL Simulation Solutions and the Chair of Construction Management and Construction Methods at Bauhaus University in Weimar! Together with scientists from Bauhaus University, INCONTROL is working on the adaptation and extension of existing simulation objects in Enterprise Dynamics for answering construction-specific issues.

Despite their practical importance, not much theoretical research has been done on Lateral Shipment policies (LSPs). LSP methods are extensively used in the Supply Chain Industry to reduce product stock outs. Essentially a Lateral Shipment involves redistributing stock among retailers instead of making emergency orders to the warehouse. The use of efficient LSPs can reduce the cost of emergency replenishments and also prevent stock outs that lead to loss of sales and customer dissatisfaction.

nicoOperations Research (OR) group members from the University of Amsterdam have won the first price at the annual conference of the American Society for Operations Research and Management Science (INFORMS).

ws_produktlogos_educationThe ED Tutorial has been updated to use the new features that have been introduced in ED8. This includes the General Monitor atom, a more modern looking and capable version of the Monitor atom and most importantly the ExcelActiveX atom, a stable and user friendly connection to Excel. Go to the Download page to get the latest version of the ED tutorial.

Enterprise Dynamics CommunityThe ED Community is a new forum where you can share knowledge and questions with other users of Enterprise Dynamics and where you can obtain advice and opinions from other community members and our team of simulation experts at Incontrol. The community is open to all ED users including students. Incontrol will make sure that all questions get a response although we will obviously not do the students homework assignments. Join the Enterprise Dynamics® Community today!

Your ED Educational license also has Developer capabilities. This means that you can not only build models with the atoms that come with Enterprise Dynamics, but it also enables you to modify the atoms in your library or to develop your own atoms. You are even capable of developing your own simulation applications and libraries.

Two new case studies have been added to the ED Educational Suite. The case studies share a theme: whether or not to pool servers.

One of the most important new features in ED 8.1 for teachers is the new ExcelActiveX atom. The development of this atom was motivated by a request from a teacher. In contrast with the old Excel atom, which used the DDE mechanism, the ExcelActiveX atom uses the more modern ActiveX mechanism.

seminarSimulation improves your business. Good simulation studies, however need well educated simulation engineers with specific domain knowledge of your particular line of business. Not every company is aware of the benefits of simulation for process design and optimization mainly because they lack people with knowledge of simulation. An increasing number of companies has come to realize this and there is a strong demand for experienced staff.

altALADIN (Agro Logistic Analysis and Design INstrument) is a visual interactive simulation environment building on the Logistics Suite of the (object oriented) simulation package Enterprise Dynamics (ED).The application, developed by Wageningen UR, concerns a library of generic building blocks for modelling Fresh Supply Chains and Networks. Quality models for a range of fresh products are embedded in this library.These models describe quality behaviour, for example botrytis in strawberries or weight loss of bell peppers, under specified conditions (temperature, relative humidity, modified atmosphere, etc.). They incorporate parameters that reflect stochastic biological variations in product quality decay and are developed by experts in lab-experiments under controlled conditions.

Simulation and OR (Operations Research) in combination for practical optimization
Prof Dr. N.M. van Dijk - University of Amsterdam / INCONTROL Simulation Solutions

Should we pool capacities or not?

Danish institutes for higher education show a growing interest in material flow simulation for production, operations and logistics management. Last year six technical educational institutes in Denmark have invested in the Enterprise Dynamics Educational Suite to bring their students up to date with state of the art commerical simulation software. Most of these institutes not only apply Enterprise Dynamics during their classes but also take the software outside of the classroom in real-life projects.