ED9 Features Training Invitation

INCONTROL is happy to announce the release of Enterprise Dynamics® 10.3! With the latest version of Enterprise Dynamics® we have solved issues, improved usability and introduced new functionalities, all based on customers and business partners feedback.



Design, validate and optimize you Supply Chain including specific issues related to manufacturing, (re-) allocation and logistics? Enterprise Dynamics® is the industry simulation solution. Today INCONTROL is happy to announce the release of Enterprise Dynamics® 10.3! With the latest version of Enterprise Dynamics® we have solved issues, improved usability and introduced new functionalities, all based on customers and business partners feedback. More details regarding the developments of Enterprise Dynamics® 10.3 can be found in the Release Highlights.

Curious about what Enterprise Dynamics® can do for you and your company?

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  • Download Release Highlights
  • Contact INCONTROL