ED9 Features Training Invitation

INCONTROL Simulation Software offers extended edition

Due to the COVID-19 academic institutions are preparing prolongation of absences and/or campus closures. This license will be an extended version of the standard Free of Charge Enterprise Dynamics® Student Starter Edition but now allowing building larger models up to 100 simulation objects of site! The special edition license is 120 days valid.


ED9 Features Training Invitation

INCONTROL is happy to announce the release of Enterprise Dynamics® 10.3! With the latest version of Enterprise Dynamics® we have solved issues, improved usability and introduced new functionalities, all based on customers and business partners feedback.


ED9 Features Training Invitation

Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences have been using Enterprise Dynamics for the past years to support their logistic and industrial engineering classes.

A dedicated group of teacher now uses Enterprise Dynamics Virtual Reality (VR Factory) visualization features to introduce the software to their second year students.