ED9 Features Training Invitation

To introduce the new features of the latest simulation software release Enterprise Dynamics 9, INCONTROL offers a free ED9 Features Training.

Register now for the NEW date in September!


On April 04th, 2014 we officially released our new, extensive, state-of-the-art simulation tool Enterprise Dynamics 9.

Now is the perfect time to familiarize yourself with all new features of Enterprise Dynamics 9 and get answers to your questions about this new release.

Attend the free Enterprise Dynamics 9 Features Training and meet INCONTROL’s experienced simulation engineers.

Course Outline

  • General overview of the new features of ED9
  • Explanation of the changes in the product structure
  • Working with Packages
  • Overview of the updates of atoms in the Enterprise Dynamics 9 Library
  • Human Resources atoms
  • New Graph functionalities
  • Visualization (Background atom and MovieCreator)


Training Date: Tuesday, 15-Jul-2014 |
Thursday, 07-Aug-2014 |
*available* Thursday, 04-Sep-2014 |

*available* Wednesday, 17-Sep-2014

Training Location:
Utrecht, The Netherlands
Training Duration:
1 Day, 10:00h-17:00h (1 hour lunch break), lunch is included
Training Fee:
Free participation for 1 attendee per valid ED Maintenance & Support contract.
€ 250,00 per additional attendee.
Please bring your own computer or contact us in advance.
An ED9 license will be provided for the training.


Register now for the free ED9 Features Training by sending an email to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it and find more details on our website. If you have any questions, please contact us.

We look forward to present the power and new features

of Enterprise Dynamics 9 to you, soon!


INCONTROL Simulation Solutions ...your innovation partner!